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What about your parents? 

You may be sold on the idea of volunteering, but your parents may not be. Many former volunteers have had that experience. While you can't force your parents to support your decision to volunteer, there is much that you can do to gain their respect and support. Here's some advise from former volunteers:

  • Be organized. Your parents won't take you seriously unless you are serious. Investigate as many programs and positions as possible. Your diligence will impress your parents.

  • Include them. Your parents need to feel included in your decision. Even after you decided to volunteer, they will need to know that you want them to be a part of your life and that you want their support during your volunteer experience.

  • Give them time. It took you time to decide to volunteer. Your parents will need time to adjust to the idea too. Even though it is your life, it's important to understand your parents' perspectives. You are probably their most important investment. So, give them time to adjust their expectations for you.  You may be surprised at their eventual understanding, or even excitement.

  • Share your resources. Think about what really made you decide to volunteer and share that with your parents. Introduce them to a person who inspired you to volunteer or share with them a book or article you found helpful.  


Parent Testimony 


Robert Borrouso, father of AMA Tori who served in Worcester 2021-2022


It has been over a year since our daughter decided to do a year of service after her four years of college.


We had prepared our daughter with a private high school and a private college and was looking forward to her career choice at the end of this journey. A journey that took considerable resources. In essence we were looking for a return in our investment. 


When we heard that she wanted to use her knowledge and energy for a year of service I guess I was left questioning her choice. 


I allowed my daughter to explain her decision and then I followed up with a million questions about why, what, where, and of course where will you be in a year from now. 


You see my eyes weren’t wide enough to see the value in her decision. Her reply was “Dad it will open new doors and I will be ok in the end.”


I was skeptical and meditated and allowed my higher power to guide me and a small voice said let her go. 


Well we dropped her off and she accelerated into her new opportunity. She met wonderful people . She helped her community in so many ways. She never complained. She excelled and was happy to be in her position. 


This specific assignment has allowed my daughter the time and space to see where her next journey lies.  


Because of her service to young people and for her community she qualified for a teaching assignment that will give her an opportunity to earn her masters degree free of tuition and housing. 


By allowing my higher power, God if you will, take over, it soon became apparent she had made a wonderful decision. 


The sisters and management of AMA welcomed and provided for her journey and helped prepare my daughter for her next chapter in life. For the right candidate I would highly recommend this opportunity. I’m very glad I moved out of the way of her decisions and allowed God to provide. 





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